Sunday, May 9, 2010

Guess who we saw!!

I really am trying to keep up with my blogs... and I just downloaded a bunch of iphone pics so I could blog about some highlights. I even started a Jazz Fest Blog... hopefully, coming soon!

Since this blog won't have any pics, it's a lot faster.

I started a tradition when Maddie was born and we spend Mother's Day at Commander's in the Garden room: my mom, my sister, her son, her husband, my husband, Maddie & me. This year was no different, except that we weren't seated at a window table, which surprised us, snobs that we are! We soon found out why. A few minutes after we were seated, the corner table was taken and I looked up to see Sandra Bullock and her new baby just a table away! They were joined by three other people, and since I was seated facing them, I watched her enjoy her baby and her first Mother's Day for nearly three hours! (Okay, I also spent a lot of time watching Maddie, who is the beautiful and perfect child ever.) I was so entralled by her that I barely noticed James Carville, Mary Matalin or Bob Breck seated at tables next to us...! Kevin later explained that he told the restaurant I was a celebrity mom so we needed to be seated in the VIP section. Must have worked!

Sorry, we did not take any pics. We thought she deserved some privacy and respect after the difficult few months and sneaking an iphone pic just seemed wrong. (I''ll probably regret it and, of course, I couldn't resist sharing the news! The friends with her, however, did a lot of iphone photos of the baby... just like we all do!)

We did wish her a Happy Mother's Day, and she did the same. Wow - Sandra Bullock told me to have a happy Mother's Day!

We were thrilled that although she could have chosen any place in the world to celebrate her first mother's day, she chose an iconic New Orleans restaurant. Welcome to New Orleans!

1 comment:

  1. No way! That is awesome! I'm with you...she definitely didn't need strangers sneaking pictures. But how fun!
