Monday, May 10, 2010

James Carville, too

Mentioning James Carville in the Mother's Day post reminded me that I did have a picture of him! He spoke at the Gauthier lecture series at Tulane Law School a couple of months ago and posed for picture with my family and I.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Guess who we saw!!

I really am trying to keep up with my blogs... and I just downloaded a bunch of iphone pics so I could blog about some highlights. I even started a Jazz Fest Blog... hopefully, coming soon!

Since this blog won't have any pics, it's a lot faster.

I started a tradition when Maddie was born and we spend Mother's Day at Commander's in the Garden room: my mom, my sister, her son, her husband, my husband, Maddie & me. This year was no different, except that we weren't seated at a window table, which surprised us, snobs that we are! We soon found out why. A few minutes after we were seated, the corner table was taken and I looked up to see Sandra Bullock and her new baby just a table away! They were joined by three other people, and since I was seated facing them, I watched her enjoy her baby and her first Mother's Day for nearly three hours! (Okay, I also spent a lot of time watching Maddie, who is the beautiful and perfect child ever.) I was so entralled by her that I barely noticed James Carville, Mary Matalin or Bob Breck seated at tables next to us...! Kevin later explained that he told the restaurant I was a celebrity mom so we needed to be seated in the VIP section. Must have worked!

Sorry, we did not take any pics. We thought she deserved some privacy and respect after the difficult few months and sneaking an iphone pic just seemed wrong. (I''ll probably regret it and, of course, I couldn't resist sharing the news! The friends with her, however, did a lot of iphone photos of the baby... just like we all do!)

We did wish her a Happy Mother's Day, and she did the same. Wow - Sandra Bullock told me to have a happy Mother's Day!

We were thrilled that although she could have chosen any place in the world to celebrate her first mother's day, she chose an iconic New Orleans restaurant. Welcome to New Orleans!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Best Fest moments, 2010

Watching Kevin & Maddie circle the Acura field lake, while listening to Lionel Ritchie.

The stangers who held open doors, entertained Maddie or lifted the stroller over bumps... especially one guy who barely broke his stride as he bent down and lifted the stroller onto the sidewalk.

Seeing Amanda Shaw, who only seems to get better and better (and then be followed by Steve Martin)

Hearing the most amazing Little Drummer - ever - in the kids tent.

And, of course, watching Maddie...

second line the first weekend without any prompting

(by week two, the crowds made her shy, but she did know which songs were second lines and which weren't)

get excited at the Jazz & Heritage stage, knowing she might see Indians
(by week two, she could identify their music from all the over the fair grounds)

puddle jump, stomp and dance around in fairy boots and then, ladybug boots (a lot of rain this year!)

dance to the Imagination Movers (she's got "turn around, run in place" down pat!), twist to the Dixie Cups & Frankie Ford, groove to the Preservation Hallsters and the Neville Brothers, shake to Tab Benoit, wiggle to the sounds of the Mardi Gras Indians and the Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars and show her different moves at every Jazz Fest stage

get up close to the musicians

hit the dance floor at Economy Hall and dance with anyone who volunteered

blow bubbles outside the Gospel Tent while listening to Aaron Neville sing "I want to be in that number" and "Amazing Grace"; and then blow bubbles to the sounds of BB King.

lie on our picnic mat and watch the clouds while listening to Simon & Garfunkel (we took the picture ourselves so it is upside down!)

twirl around the field while listening to Pete Fountain

play her saxaphone in the Gospel Tent and then take a bow, which turned into a tumbleset... right in the middle of the Gospel Tent

eat dark chocolate covered strawberries (and poulet on a stick, coucous, crawfish bread... just the bread!, strawberry shortcake and the ring pops from the "bathroom lady")

pull out the mat so she could picnic at the Fest

share her beads and balls

make friends with kids from all around the country

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and get her own chair off stroller (and then back on) whenever she wanted to take a break (and when she wanted to sit next to another little girl with her own chair and umbrella)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Okay, the year has started off pretty well.... we moved into our new (with the contractors, but at least they now share the house with us). Then, we were in that number when the pigs flew and hell froze - GEAUX SAINTS. During Mardi Gras, we celebrated Gon Gon's 90th birthday, the captain of Muses threw us not one - but two - Muses shoes (and everyone in our group caught a shoe during the parade!) On Mardi Gras Day, all of us - including Maddie - rode on the Blue Dog and had a blast! You'd think I could write about something, right? Well, this one was too amazing... last night, we were amoung the lucky few to be invited to the premiere party for the Saints Blue Ray disc release and...

I SAT NEXT TO DREW BREES!! Yes, every time he reached for his popcorn, he bumped me just a little with his throwing arm! Yes, really, I sat next to the Superbowl MVP as he watched the movie about his amazing year.

If you want the whole story of how and why, I'll email you the longer version. (Can I cut and paste to here?) And for my friends who believe in pictures, I promise to try to post some soon. My sister did take a few. (thank goodness, I was too excited to breathe, much less remember to take pictures!)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Oh, the fun never ends.

Found out today the the pain in my foot is actually plantar fasciitis. Needs therapy 3 times a day for 20 minutes. (An hour a day, really?) Also, shots once a week and special shoe implants. Oh, joy. (I think I channel Blair when I blog.)

Also, the leak in our one working bathroom is still there. Kevin fired the plumber, but since the ceiling is gone, water just leaks out the pipes into a bucket on the floor. What, doesn't everyone have a open ceiling and a bucket for leaking water in the foyer?

Maddie thinks that's no problem - Mr. Mike will fix it. She definately sees more of Mike, Bill and David than anyone besides us. Is that bad?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Go, Saints - and Gleason, Too!

Oh, Happy Day. Saints are 11 and 0. 11 and 0. 11 and 0. Sounds great! And, I love McKenzie so I was so glad to see #34 on the field - and playing great! To make it a perfect night, Steve "Defend the Dome" Gleason stopped by and said hello. I was so excited I missed one of the Saints' touchdowns! (Well, there were so many...!)

ps - Look, Sara, pictures!

Monday, November 30, 2009

One Amazing Weekend

A couple of weeks ago Kevin & I went a on LONG date. Carnivale du Vin, which I've wanted to attend for a couple of years, moved to Vegas this year. We decided to go anyway and make a long weekend of it. Oops, Maddie. Okay, a two night event - thanks to great (yes, with both meanings) Aunt Jane and "Unce Bince" for staying with Maddie.

Vegas, here we come. Oops, NOMA's Odyssey Ball is Friday night. Since Mom is the NOMA chair next year, this was important to her so we decided to attend - okay, one night in Vegas will be fun, right?

Mom got me a great dress - at yet another of her events, the Saks Key to the Cure. Thanks, Mom! Being vertically challenged, the dress needed "hemming." It should have been ready on Thursday but wasn't. So, okay, I can pick it up Friday. EXCEPT, when I got there Friday - after having my hair done and spending hours getting Maddie prepped for the weekend - she was CLOSED. And locked up. Kevin had to come and rescue me; he pulled me away from the door as I tried to kick it open - my dress was in there!

Kevin called the building manager, the alterations lady, everyone, but no luck. I flew to Macy's and tried on every dress that might fit. I actually found two - not long ones, and they need a little altering - but they could work. Wow.

We got ready faster than possible, grabbed our bags, kissed Maddie and off to the NOMA ball to surprise my mom. My dress was great, but the shoes were horrible - gorgeous Jimmy Choes that hurt so bad!! We missed all the great food since we were late so we stopped at Dot's Dinner in formal wear on our way to the Airport Hilton. Kevin was oh so pleased.

The flight to Vegas was easy and our room was wonderful. Then we hit the stores to find me some shoes. I got my first pair of red soles Christian Louboutin's! (Thanks, Kevin - I like my birthday present and Christmas present - and oh, yes, the cute little purse is perfect for Valentine's Day!)

Carnivale du Vin was worth every stressful moment. We were seated with our friends, Wendy and George ("Blue Dog Man") Rodrigue and the editor of Wine Enthusiast. Watching the incredible auction with them was so much fun - a one night dinner went for $180,000!! And that was just one of the live auction items!

I met - and talked to - Daniel Boulud, Mario Batali, Charlie Trotter, Wolfgang Puck and of course, Emeril Lagasse. My cooking heros, all in one place, cooking for me!

If you want to see more, check out

Seated at the table next to us was Sammy Hagar, formerly of Van Halen. And, he told me that I had a great dress! Then, he said it was because I filled it out well that it was great (did I mention that it needed a little altering - I showed a bit more cleavage than usual!). Usually, I might be offended, but I couldn't wait to tell Kevin!

The next morning I suprised Kevin with breakfast surrounded by exotic cars. We had Eggs Benedict and waffles next to Ferraris and Lamborginis - what a way to say goodbye to Vegas.

The trip ended with our flight home - seated in the row behind James Carville.

Truly a star studded weekend that I will have read about to believe!